Friday, January 28, 2011

Intro - Welcome to Pathfinder

Long ago, when forests spanned much of Avistan and elves were the dominant race, the land now known as the River Kingdoms was verdant and lively. This territory, adjoining Kyonin and Lake Encarthan was a place for high nobles and their courts to enjoy hunting and sport. The elves called it Telvurin, translated today in Taldane as "The Shifting Lands". The departure of the elves gave the human race new territory to explore, putting them in conflict with native creatures such as lizardfolk, frog-men, and suspicious fey. With its dozens of tributary rivers dividing the region into countless smaller territories, it became a natural place for outcasts, rebels, and petty tyrants.

One strange sanctuary found in this land is the modest town of Uringen which exists in two parts: the central part of town that comes "unstuck" from Golarion and fades in and out of reality, and the "static" portion that remains in the world. Many folk make their home here including humans, half-elves, gnomes and a smattering of others. Skilled woodsmen known as the Embeth Travelers live in camps in the Embeth forest surrounding the town and guide folk to its location in exchange for foodstuffs or other needed items, but refuse to enter the town proper. They also help protect the town from attack by the other denizens of the forest. The land is a vibrant tangle of nature, scattered with vagabonds, exiles, and criminals interested in remaining hidden, and practically abounds with alchemists running secret labs seeking profit from the trade of rare plants found only in the marshy areas of the surrounding woods. The folk of Uringen go about their lives tranquilly and quietly enough, but strange things are at work here and soon even stranger events will shatter their tenuous peace...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great place for someone looking to escape his past to hide.
